Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009


Nach knapp vier Stunden Warten konnte ich heute Mittag um 1200 die begehrten Karten für die beste Uniparty des Jahres ergattern!
Am 30.10. findet die jährliche Bordelliparty statt, die 450 Karten waren innerhalb von 30min? ausverkauft.
Das war sicher auch der Grund warum einige Studenten die Nacht vor dem Verkaufsstand im Hauptgebäude verbracht haben.
Wir sind alle gespannt was uns erwartet. Die Berichte von ehemaligen (Austausch)studenten versprechen viel.
Verkleidung ist Pflicht und Kameras sind verboten....

Gerade sind auch noch einige von uns auf einem Sitsit.
Das geht dort immer sehr feuchtfröhlich zu, vorrausgesetzt man will den ganzen Abend singen. Hier ist irgendein Video, dass eines der vielen Sitsits gut darstellt. Wobei dazu zu sagen ist, dass die Sitsits normalerweise in Abendgaderobe und förmlicher sind(anfangs).

Was ist ein Sitsit:

Sitsit in Finnish or Sitz in Finland-Swedish, is a traditional academic student feast organised in some universities in Finland, particularly in Åbo Akademi, University of Turku, Helsinki University of Technology and University of Helsinki.

The tradition probably shares roots with traditional student feast in other parts of Europe, including Commercium, Tableround and Cantus. Much of the Finnish sitsit-culture has evolved in student contacts with Sweden, and many of the classic Swedish drinking songs are also sung in Swedish or in translated versions during Finnish-speaking sitsits.

The participants of sitsit sit around a table. During the feast a three-course meal is served. Depending on the occasion the meal may be simple or lavish. The proceedings are led by a master of ceremonies, whose responsibility is to uphold traditions and order songs, usually based on suggestions from the participants.

Group singing is an integral part of sitsit. The songs include numerous drinking songs, some with a common tune with new words. In more formal sitsit, academic and patriotic songs, such as De Brevitate Vitae, Finlandia Hymn and The Jäger March are sung. Many of the songs have words which are bawdy or mock political parties, certain nationalities or university teachers. It is customary to start with more formal songs and proceed to the bawdier ones as the party gets rowdier. Many songs have their own associated traditions. For example, a special song is sung while punsch is served.

After a snaps song has been finished, everyone raises his glass and toasts the person on his right, the person on his left, and the person opposite, and then empties his glass.